Big things are coming. Are you ready?
Big things are coming. Are you ready?
Ready Steady Read Together is whole class shared reading. These daily, dynamic and inclusive lessons incorporate metacognitive strategies and feature high-quality, diverse literature from exceptional authors.

Yes. Ready Steady Read Together has replaced Ready Steady Comprehension. It is now an online membership with dynamic lessons where all interactive slides are provided. This new format allows us to offer a much wider range of text choices from rich and diverse authors.
For those already familiar with Ready Steady Spell and Ready Steady Phonics, this updated programme this too includes a vast amount of content, carefully structured into the following key areas:
In short, Ready Steady Read Together is even more dynamic than the previous, lesson plans, questions, and associated resources that were part of Ready Steady Comprehension. It provides greater support for teachers and school leaders, ensuring high-quality teaching, effective monitoring, and strong leadership, while also offering consistency across year groups - all while saving teachers even more time and easing workload pressure.
Yes! Ready Steady Read Together weekly units can be placed in any order. We have taken care to ensure across every half term all the statements from the progression documents are covered. This gives schools the ability to make links to enhance another curriculum areas. For example, a Y6 class learning about Evolution and Adaptation in Science may decide the Ready Steady Read Together units that link to this area (these are indicated where they link with a symbol on the text ‘tile’ in the teach section of the online membership). This would ensure that children are making connections with their learning in reading and the wider curriculum.
Yes! Several units do, and these are indicated with a small Ready Steady Write (these are indicated where they link with a symbol on the text ‘tile’ in the teach section of the online membership). NB The Ready Steady Read Together units also allow for reading breadth, which allow for even more high-quality, diverse literature from exceptional authors.
Each half term a schools will select 6 units. This would be x2 fiction, x2 non-fiction and x2 Poetry. This way a broad coverage of texts in many forms will be covered and all progression statements will be met.
Systematic assessment of what is taught is fundamental throughout the duration of the programme. Precise learning expectations are set out in the Teaching Progression document. Timely identification of children’s misconceptions or difficulties in reading comprehension is essential and they must be addressed promptly through Ready Steady Read Together: Go additional sessions.
Ready Steady Read Together Assessment - Principles for Assessment
Noticing difficulties and adjusting teaching for children is essential.
Ready Steady Read Together.
Assessment within it consists of both ongoing formative assessment and periodic summative assessments which are referred to as Assessment Intervals. Collectively, these assessments enable prompt action to address misconceptions and difficulties identified and ensure children are able to maintain programme expectations. This programme adheres to the following assessment principles:
• assessment is continuous and integral to the programme
• it assesses specific knowledge and skills for reading comprehension
• it enables practitioners to create a profile of what a child knows (electronically or in hard copy)
• it identifies children at risk of not meeting required expectations
• it informs the approaches of further consolidation teaching through Ready Steady Read Together: Go sessions.Formative Assessment
Continuous formative assessment is integral to Ready Steady Read Together. Daily practitioner assessments of children’s Practise & Apply outcomes are completed during and after each session (see footnotes in daily Practise & Apply pupil booklets). This enables practitioners to indicate areas that need immediate additional support. The different areas of support will relate to formative assessment throughout the entire lesson and includes:
• Strategies
• Breakdown Strategies
• Fluency
• Text Marking
• Vocabulary -
No. Ready Steady Read Together is whole class shared reading and is one of a range of reading repertoires within a rich reading curriculum. It uses language rich ‘real’ books to do so and rests within a broad and rich reading entitlement for children:
• Phonics Lessons
• Guided Reading
• Whole Class Shared Reading (Ready Steady Read Together)
• Read Aloud
• Paired Reading
• Reading with children (Ready Steady Read Together)
• Performance Reading & Fluency (Ready Steady Read Together)
• Independent Reading -
Shared reading is the whole class teaching of reading, specifically modelled by the teacher. Here, the teacher is the reading expert, who shows the children how they are decoding and comprehending texts. The texts are often at a challenging level for the children in the class and the teachers scaffolds their understanding by activating prior knowledge, clarifying vocabulary and teaching skills and strategies to fully comprehend the text.
Guided reading is the planning and teaching of reading with a small group of children, with the texts being at an instructional level (just beyond the reading ability of the children). The teacher supports them in developing reading skills and strategies that have been taught in shared reading, using books at an appropriate level.

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