Over the last 10 years we have led and been involved in several projects both locally and nationally for Local Authorities, MATs and Cluster of schools. These have had great success and impact in improving outcomes for children in reading and writing across primary and high school.
Our expert consultants comprise of headteachers, lead moderators and EYFS specialists, and we would welcome an opportunity to discuss any of these projects with you. Furthermore, there may well be bespoke ways in which we can support your schools with all English improvement priorities for both practitioners and leaders.
Leading on Oracy and
Vocabulary Development
2-Year School Improvement
Writing Project
Developing a Consistent, Whole School Reading Culture
Developing writing and reading standards in EYFS
Narrowing Gaps & Sustaining Momentum
Raising standards in writing and establishing effective approaches

This project consists of three sessions aimed at enhancing oracy and vocabulary development across schools.
Session 1 focuses on implementing strategies for effective speaking and listening, identifying language gaps, and understanding language acquisition.
Audience: English Subject Leads / EY Leads / Headteachers
Sessions 2 and 3 delve into planning language-rich activities across the curriculum and the teacher's role in fostering interaction.
Audience: Class TeachersSession 4 focuses on evaluating progress, embedding monitoring cycles, and providing feedback for improvement.
Audience: English Subject Leads / Headteachers
Leading on Oracy and Vocabulary

This project consists of three sessions aimed at developing a consistent, whole school reading culture.
Session 1 focuses on enhancing the reading environment and assessing literacy knowledge among teachers and students.
Audience: English Subject Leads / Headteachers
Session 2 facilitates discussions on motivating students to read for pleasure, integrating reading into the curriculum, and increasing awareness of literature.
Audience: English Subject Leads / HeadteachersSession 3 focuses on evaluating the impact of implemented changes, the project aims to cultivate a network of expertise and inform future actions across participating schools.
Audience: English Subject Leads / Headteachers
Developing a Consistent, Whole School Reading Culture

This project consists of four sessions aimed at empowering leaders and practitioners in Early Years education by enhancing continuous provision to support Reading and Writing ELGs while also deepening their understanding of EYFS writing and reading standards, embedding vocabulary skills, and addressing developmental needs in early writing and reading through purposeful activities and identification of barriers for subsequent improvement.
Session 1 focuses on the effective leadership in the EYFS, project outline and expectations + Gap Task.
Audience: EYFS Leads / Headteachers
Session 2 focuses on Early Language and Extending Vocabulary + Gap Task.
Audience: EYFS LeadsSession 3 focuses on EYFS Reading, Comprehension & Writing + Gap Task.
Audience: EYFS LeadsSession 4 focuses on evaluating the impact of implemented changes, the project aims to cultivate a network of expertise and inform future actions across participating schools.
Audience: EYFS Leads / Headteachers
Read our blog post all about one of our EYFS Projects in Liverpool! Click to read.
Getting it Right in the EYFS:
Reading & Writing

This project aims at whole school improvement of writing through a structured curriculum implementation and professional development. It provides access to comprehensive writing resources and emphasizes the development of pedagogy and practice to enhance outcomes for all children. The project spans two years, with Year A focusing on launching the project, establishing monitoring cycles, and refining fundamental pedagogies, while Year B delves into grammar skills, addressing reading and vocabulary gaps, and sustaining change through evaluation and action planning.
A fully sequenced, ambitious curriculum implementation
Comprehensive professional development for leaders and practitioners
Access to a wealth of writing resources YR - Y6 (Ready Steady Write)
Lead and develop pedagogy & practice
Improving outcomes in writing for all children
Empower practitioners to provide high-quality teaching of writing through high-quality literature
Support all learner’s fluency and stamina for writing
Read our blog post all about one of the schools from our latest Everybody Write project in Birmingham! Click to read.
Two Year School Improvement Project

This year group focused project aims to enhance writing standards across schools by:
Establishing effective routines and approaches for all writers
Focusing on standards, including greater depth
Focusing on environments for writing
Implementing daily practice to support all writers
Understanding the characteristics of greater depth writers
Setting next steps
This project is a hybrid of face-to-face training and online resources for each year group to deepen their understanding of the expected standards.
Leading on & Teaching Writing Effectively, with a focus on Greater Depth

Element A: Leadership of English: Sustaining Momentum and Narrowing Gaps
To track the progression of disadvantaged groups of children
To monitor through pupil voice and outcomes the progression of disadvantaged children across 2 terms
Deepen understanding of the expectations in Writing and Reading from Year R to Year 6
Reflects on the proven pedagogies that make a difference to children
Provision for those children working behind national expectations
Enhance strategies, skills and knowledge to effectively teach writing and reading for all groups of learners
Clarify and deepen pedagogy and practice in the teaching of writing Year R to Year 6
Element B: Writing Project to Raise Standards
To raise standards in writing across all schools
To deepen understanding of the expectations in Writing and Reading from Year R to Year 6
To reflect on the proven pedagogies that make a difference to children
To enhance strategies, skills and knowledge to effectively teach writing and reading for all groups of learners
Disadvantaged Project for Reading and Writing