Ready Steady Write (new and improved Read to Write) is comprehensive and evidence-based. It provides a sequenced, ambitious curriculum, that places quality literature at its core. Our units have been carefully mapped out to match the entire statutory curriculum for writing.
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Ready Steady Write is a Teach Primary Award Winner!
Here’s what the UKLA judge said:
“Ready Steady Write is an excellent, user-friendly and comprehensive platform that is long-lasting and rich. It was highly praised by the judges for its impressive joined-up approach, which offers a real wealth and wide selection of resources for whole school planning purposes. Each unit has quality children’s literature embedded within it; they are inclusive and could be found in most classrooms. The programme includes dedicated segments for narrative or non-fiction outcomes, all centred around the importance of talk which ensures rich writing and deeper learning; whilst poetry creation is integrated into each curriculum block. In addition to the thorough planning units and examples of children’s writing, clear links to the national curriculum and teaching slides, the website encompasses robust assessment and monitoring strategies. This element was noted by the judges as particularly helpful for those in senior leadership to ensure a consistent approach is easily implemented across the school. Both early career teachers and those well-experienced in the profession will find value within this site.”
-Rebecca Simpson-Hargreaves, UKLA

Ready Steady Write is an online resource with everything teachers and leaders need to implement a dynamic, sequenced, and ambitious writing curriculum. All available at the click of a button!
Fully Resourced

Example Texts

Vocabulary Support

Setting Galleries

Progression Documents

EYFS Story Friends

Over 1650 IWB Slides

Daily Sentence Accuracy

Working Wall Galleries

Curriculum Coverage

Assessment Documents


Completed Teacher Plans
Additional units included in membership!
Shakespeare (Y3 - Y6)
Olympics (EYFS - Y6)
Science (EYFS - Y6)
6 week units (EYFS - Y6)
and more coming soon!
…and much more!

What people are saying:
“The high quality resources included vocabulary that the children used in their own writing.”
“The resources are engaging and they allow children to experience success.”
“Good resources to help with setting independent tasks.”
“The visual aids and sentence work at the start of each lesson linked well. We have seen progress in the children’s writing since the start of the unit.”
“The resources correlate with the plans well. Everything was easy to follow and navigate.”
“Helps with teacher workload as everything is there for you in one place and easy to access.”
“Incidental write word banks worked well to help ensure the high expectation of vocabulary usage. This was a reduction of workload for the teacher.”
“Interactive sections were really helpful, e.g. a link back to a summary of the writer's links during a 'write' session. Very clear and handy to have in one place.”

Yes! We have developed a mixed-age planning guidance document which explains how Ready Steady Write can work in your mixed-age classes. This includes a suggested planning cycle document that addresses this explicitly. We can also help you through Consultancy Support to map out the units to meet the needs of your specific school context.
Our ‘core’ Ready Steady Write units are designed to cover a half term, with roughly 15 lessons per writing outcome. Each core unit has 2 main writing outcome.
Our Ready Steady Write PLUS+ units are typically 3-week units (unless stated otherwise) and these are available to all members to help schools design their curriculum.
Our Ready Steady Write units are full of incidental writes which build up to a larger writing outcome. Many of these incidental writes are poems in various forms. Email for an overview of the poetry covered in each unit.
Literacy Counts do not supply the vehicle texts to accompany Ready Steady Write units. They can be purchased through Madeline Lindley or any bookseller.
Get in touch here for more information on our vehicle text and/or to request a book list.
Ready Steady Write is a whole school membership through 1 shared school account. All the resources you need for your writing curriculum can be found in the online membership!
Yes! Whole school CPD on Ready Steady Write is absolutely essential to the successful implementation and rollout of this resource. Engaging in whole school launch training will ensure consistency and fidelity to the resource. For more information about our Ready Steady Write training, get in touch here.
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