Advice on the order of units
The suggested order of the units allows for children to practice and embed skills for writing across an academic year. All of the objectives to be covered are mapped out in the Progression Overview Documents. The objectives for each unit can also be found in the unit resources in the Teach section, so teachers are clear about what will be covered. As each unit is being taught, teachers can track which objectives have been covered using the Progression Documents.
By having the Progression Overview Documents, it is possible for a school to move the units around, particularly if they are looking to align them with their school curriculum. For example, where a unit on Rivers in Year 2 is planned for the summer term, a school may choose to move the unit to that part of the year, so that the writing links to learning in other curriculum areas and may coincide with a school visit linked to the theme. The columns of the Progression Overview Document could then be moved to the time in the year that unit is to be taught. Some schools feel that where such links can be made, it provides a huge amount of background knowledge about the subject that impacts positively on the writing.
Alternatively, a school may choose to align their curriculum to the order in which the units are currently presented. This then means the Progression Documents stay in the current order and, again, schools make the most of cross-curricular links to support the writing outcomes.
In all cases, it is worth noting that Ready Steady Write is a robust resource for the effective teaching of writing, whether a school chooses to align it to their curriculum or as a focus for the writing element of the curriculum only.
The Reception unit order should always be adhered to as the units have been written to align with the Letters and Sounds phonics progression across the Reception Year.