Professional Development
As part of the Ready Steady Phonics programme all practitioners have unlimited access to 3 online modules.
Module A:
Ready Steady Phonics Overview
Aims: This CPD session will develop an understanding of:
The key Principles and pedagogy underpinning phonics
The Teaching Progression
Key aspects of organisation and teaching across the week
Teaching and Learning Resources
Phonically matched decodable reading books.
Teaching and Assessment Resources
Supporting the lowest 20%
Module B:
Teaching Ready Steady Phonics in YR
Aims: This CPD session will develop an understanding of:
Progression from Phase 2 to Phase 4
How the programme is Organised across a across a week & half term
Preparation required to plan and teach a Reception lesson
The four part lesson
How to use the programme resources
The matching decodable reading books in Reception
How to use the letter formation resources in Reception
How to use the formative and Summative Assessment resources
How to use ‘Ready Steady Go: Keeping all Children on Track’ session
Module C:
Teaching Ready Steady Phonics in KS1
Aims: This CPD session will develop an understanding of:
Progression from Phase 4 to Phase 6
How the programme is Organised across a across a week & half term
Preparation required to plan and teach a lesson
Using Ready Steady Phonics Lesson Plans
The four part lesson
How to use the programme resources
The matching decodable reading books in Key Stage 1
How to use the letter formation resources in Reception
How to use the formative and Summative Assessment resources
How to use ‘Ready Steady Go: Keeping all Children on Track’ sessions

Module A
Ready Steady Phonics Overview

Module B
Teaching Ready Steady Phonics in Reception