Within this programme there is a requirement for all children to maintain the momentum set out in the Teaching Progression for Reception and Year 1. For children that are in danger of falling behind there is a need for immediate additional Wave 2 phonics learning. Regular additional ‘keep-up’ is for individual(s) and small group(s) of children are referred to as Ready Steady Go sessions. These vital additional sessions ensures all children’s potential is realised, in-line with the expectation of this programme.

All resources contained within the Ready Steady Phonics programme can be used to support all children through additional focused sessions.

Typical 15 - 20 minute sessions would involve the following teaching sequence, where previously taught phonic subject skills and knowledge that present as specific identified gaps will be focused on.

Highly effective Ready Steady Go sessions:

• focus on identified gaps in phonic learning 

• use activities, pedagogies that are part of the programme with the same terminology shown in daily sessions 

• emphasise the reversibility of blending for reading and segmenting for spelling  

• monitor for impact i.e., is it addressing the learning gap identified  

• ensure Ready Steady Go sessions are and delivered by a trained practitioner  

• ensure Ready Steady Go sessions are not use as a replacement of daily entitlement to Ready Steady Phonics

• use activities and pedagogies that are known to children e.g. the same terminology, patter, actions and resources used in the Ready Steady Phonics programme  

• focus on specific identified gaps  

• avoid repeating what is already secure