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Read to Write?
Our well-loved Read to Write resource has been enhanced and is now called, Ready Steady Write! Ready Steady Write is now an award-winning resource while continuing to offer the same high-quality texts and teaching sequence you’re familiar with. It supports teachers in teaching writing and leaders in leading writing.
Ready Steady Write is a comprehensive, evidence-based resource that provides a sequenced, ambitious curriculum. It places quality literature at its core, ensuring that pupils engage with rich texts while developing their writing skills. The units have been carefully mapped to match the entire statutory curriculum for writing, offering a clear and structured approach.
To learn more about Ready Steady Write and how it can enhance your school's writing outcomes, click here.
Ready Steady Write is a Teach Primary Award Winner!
Here’s what the UKLA judge said:
“Ready Steady Write is an excellent, user-friendly and comprehensive platform that is long-lasting and rich. It was highly praised by the judges for its impressive joined-up approach, which offers a real wealth and wide selection of resources for whole school planning purposes. Each unit has quality children’s literature embedded within it; they are inclusive and could be found in most classrooms. The programme includes dedicated segments for narrative or non-fiction outcomes, all centred around the importance of talk which ensures rich writing and deeper learning; whilst poetry creation is integrated into each curriculum block. In addition to the thorough planning units and examples of children’s writing, clear links to the national curriculum and teaching slides, the website encompasses robust assessment and monitoring strategies. This element was noted by the judges as particularly helpful for those in senior leadership to ensure a consistent approach is easily implemented across the school. Both early career teachers and those well-experienced in the profession will find value within this site.”
-Rebecca Simpson-Hargreaves, UKLA

Example Texts

Vocabulary Support

Setting Galleries

Progression Documents

EYFS Story Friends

Over 1650 IWB Slides

Daily Sentence Accuracy

Working Wall Galleries

Curriculum Coverage

Assessment Documents


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Core Read to Write
Unit A
Writing Outcome 1:
Narrative: Losing Story
Purpose: To tell and write a losing story
Writing Outcome 2:
Recount: Animal Information
Purpose: To inform
EYFS Theme:
Friendship & Animals
Vehicle Text:
The Something by Rebecca Cobb
Unit B
Writing Outcome 1:
Narrative: Finding Story
Purpose: To tell and write a finding story
Writing Outcome 2:
Information: Poster to find a lost star
Purpose: To inform and describe
EYFS Theme:
Stars & Space
Vehicle Text:
Star in the Jar by Sam Hay
Unit C
Writing Outcome 1:
Narrative: Superhero Story
Purpose: To tell and write a superhero story
Writing Outcome 2:
Information: A letter wanting to be a sidekick
Purpose: To inform
EYFS Theme:
Vehicle Text:
Juniper Jupiter by Lizzy Stewart
Unit D
Writing Outcome 1:
Narrative: A Traditional Tale
Purpose: To write and tell a traditional tale
Writing Outcome 2:
Instructions: How to trap an animal
Purpose: To instruct
EYFS Theme:
Traditional Tales
Vehicle Text:
Little Red by Bethan Woolvin
Unit E
Writing Outcome 1:
Narrative: A Transformational Story
Purpose: To tell and write a transformational story
Writing Outcome 2:
Instructions: How to grow a garden / plant vegetables
Purpose: To instruct
EYFS Theme:
Vehicle Text:
The Extraordinary Gardener by Sam Boughton
Unit F
Writing Outcome 1:
Narrative: Friendship Story
Purpose: To tell and write a friendship story
Writing Outcome 2:
Poems: Sea creature poems
Purpose: To describe
EYFS Theme:
Vehicle Text:
The Storm Whale by Benji Davies
Year 1
Core Read to Write
Unit A
Writing Outcome 1:
Narrative: Discovery Narrative
Purpose: To narrate
Writing Outcome 2:
Recount: Messages
Purpose: To recount
Curriculum Topic:
History: Living Memory
Vehicle Text:
Old Bear by Jane Hissey
Unit B
Writing Outcome 1:
Narrative: A Traditional Tale
Purpose: To narrate
Writing Outcome 2:
Instructions: How to catch a witch
Purpose: To instruct
Vehicle Text:
Rapunzel by Bethan Woolvin
Unit C
Writing Outcome 1:
Narrative: A Detective Story
Purpose: To narrate
Writing Outcome 2:
Recount: Letters
Purpose: To recount
Curriculum Topic:
Geography - Locality
Vehicle Text:
Hermelin the Detective Mouse by Mini Grey
Unit D
Writing Outcome 1:
Narrative: A Portal Story
Purpose: To narrate
Writing Outcome 2:
Information: Wild Things
Purpose: To inform
Vehicle Text:
Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak
Unit E
Writing Outcome 1:
Narrative: A Return Story
Purpose: To narrate
Writing Outcome 2:
Recount: Postcards
Purpose: To recount
Curriculum Topic:
Science - Animals inc. Humans
Vehicle Text:
The Secret of Black Rock by Joe Todd Stanton
Unit F
Writing Outcome 1:
Narrative: A Hunting Story
Purpose: To narrate
Writing Outcome 2:
Instructions: Recipes
Purpose: To instruct
Vehicle Text:
The Last Wolf by Mini Grey
Year 2
Core Read to Write
Unit A
Writing Outcome 1:
Narrative: Circular Narrative
Purpose: To narrate
Writing Outcome 2:
Recount: Letter
Purpose: To inform
Curriculum Topic:
Geography - Rivers and Seas
Vehicle Text:
A River by Marc Martin
Unit B
Writing Outcome 1:
Narrative: Setting Narrative
Purpose: To narrate
Writing Outcome 2:
Recount: Diary
Purpose: To recount
Vehicle Text:
The Night Gardener by The Fan Brothers
Unit C
Writing Outcome 1:
Narrative: Finding Narrative
Purpose: To narrate
Writing Outcome 2:
Instructions: How to build a habitat
Purpose: To instruct
Curriculum Topic:
Science - Living Things, Habitats & Plants
Vehicle Text:
The Bog Baby by Jeanne Willis
Unit D
Writing Outcome 1:
Narrative: Return Narrative
Purpose: To narrate
Writing Outcome 2:
Information: Jungle Animals
Purpose: To inform
Vehicle Text:
Grandad’s Island by Benji Davies
Unit E
Writing Outcome 1:
Narrative: A Mistake Narrative
Purpose: To narrate
Writing Outcome 2:
Information: How to be a Regal Leader
Purpose: To inform
Curriculum Topic:
History - Beyond Living Memory Great Fire of London
Vehicle Text:
The King who Banned the Dark by Emily Haworth-Booth
Unit F
Writing Outcome 1:
Narrative: Invention Narrative
Purpose: To narrate
Writing Outcome 2:
Explanation: How a machine works
Purpose: To explain
Vehicle Text:
Rosie Revere, Engineer by Andrea Beaty
Year 3
Core Read to Write
Unit A
Writing Outcome 1:
Narrative: Approach Threat Narrative
Purpose: To narrate
Writing Outcome 2:
Explanation: How to capture the Iron Man
Purpose: To explain
Curriculum Topic:
Science - Forces & Magnets
Vehicle Text:
The Iron Man by Ted Hughes (Chris Mould Edition)
Unit B
Writing Outcome 1:
Narrative: Fable Narrative
Purpose: To narrate
Writing Outcome 2:
Information: Fox Report
Purpose: To inform
Vehicle Text:
Fox by Margaret Wild
Unit C
Writing Outcome 1:
Narrative: Setting Narrative
Purpose: To narrate
Writing Outcome 2:
Information: River Information Leaflet
Purpose: To inform
Curriculum Topic:
Geography - Mountains & Rivers
Vehicle Text:
The Rhythm of the Rain by Graham Baker-Smith
Unit D
Writing Outcome 1:
Narrative: Return Narrative
Purpose: To narrate
Writing Outcome 2:
Information: Letters
Purpose: To recount
Vehicle Text:
Jemmy Button by Alix Barzelay
Unit E
Writing Outcome 1:
Narrative: Egyptian Mystery
Purpose: To narrate
Writing Outcome 2:
Information: Diary
Purpose: To inform
Curriculum Topic:
History - Egyptians
Vehicle Text:
Egyptology by Dugald Steer
Unit F
Writing Outcome 1:
Narrative: Lost Narrative
Purpose: To narrate
Writing Outcome 2:
Recount: Newspaper Report
Purpose: To recount
Vehicle Text:
Into the Forest by Anthony Browne
Year 4
Core Read to Write
Unit A
Writing Outcome 1:
Narrative: Setting Narrative
Purpose: To narrate
Writing Outcome 2:
Recount: Newspaper Report
Purpose: To recount
Curriculum Topic:
Science - Living things / Habitats / Animals
Vehicle Text:
The Whale by Ethan Murrow
Unit B
Writing Outcome 1:
Narrative: Outsider Narrative
Purpose: To narrate
Writing Outcome 2:
Information: Polar Bears
Purpose: To inform
Vehicle Text:
Leaf by Sandra Dieckmann
Unit C
Writing Outcome 1:
Narrative: Myth Narrative
Purpose: To narrate
Writing Outcome 2:
Information: Defeating a Viking Monster
Purpose: To inform
Curriculum Topic:
History - Vikings
Vehicle Text:
Arthur & the Golden Rope by Joe Todd Stanton
Unit D
Writing Outcome 1:
Narrative: Twisted Narrative
Purpose: To narrate
Writing Outcome 2:
Persuasion: Letter
Purpose: To persuade
Vehicle Text:
The Lost Happy Endings by Carol Ann Duffy
Unit E
Writing Outcome 1:
Narrative: Refugee Narrative
Purpose: To narrate
Writing Outcome 2:
Recount: Diary
Purpose: To recount
Curriculum Topic:
Geography - Europe
Vehicle Text:
The Journey by Francesca Sanna
Unit F
Writing Outcome 1:
Narrative: Invention Narrative
Purpose: To narrate
Writing Outcome 2:
Recount: Jacques Cousteau Biography
Purpose: To recount
Vehicle Text:
Manfish by Jennifer Berne
Year 5
Core Read to Write
Unit A
Writing Outcome 1:
Narrative: Exploration Narrative
Purpose: To narrate
Writing Outcome 2:
Recount: Formal Report
Purpose: To recount
Curriculum Topic:
Science - Space
Vehicle Text:
Where Once We Stood by Christopher Riley
Unit B
Writing Outcome 1:
Narrative: Setting Narrative
Purpose: To narrate
Writing Outcome 2:
Recount: Letter
Purpose: To recount
Vehicle Text:
FArTHER by Graham Baker Smith
Unit C
Writing Outcome 1:
Narrative: Cliff hanger Narrative
Purpose: To narrate
Writing Outcome 2:
Inform: Formal Event report
Purpose: To inform
Curriculum Topic:
History - Victorians
Vehicle Texts:
The Hound of the Baskervilles - Graphic Novel by Daniel Ferran & Oxford Children's Classics: The Hound of the Baskervilles
Unit D
Writing Outcome 1:
Narrative: Character Narrative
Purpose: To narrate
Writing Outcome 2:
Recount: Newspaper Report
Purpose: To recount
Vehicle Text:
The Promise by Nicola Davies
Unit E
Writing Outcome 1:
Narrative: Survival Narrative
Purpose: To narrate
Writing Outcome 2:
Explanation: Survival Guide
Purpose: To explain
Curriculum Topic:
Geography - North & South America / World
Vehicle Text:
The Lost Book of Adventure by Teddy Keen
Unit F
Writing Outcome 1:
Narrative: Dilemma Narrative
Purpose: To narrate
Writing Outcome 2:
Discussion: Balanced Argument
Purpose: To discuss
Vehicle Text:
King Kong by Anthony Browne
Year 6
Core Read to Write
Unit A
Writing Outcome 1:
Recount: Diary
Purpose: To recount
Writing Outcome 2:
Recount: Bravery Speech Award
Purpose: To recount
Curriculum Topic:
History - War
Vehicle Text(s):
Rose Blanche by Christophe Gallaz and Roberto Innocenti and Anne Frank by Josephine Poole
Unit B
Writing Outcome 1:
Narrative: Flashback Narrative
Purpose: To narrate
Writing Outcome 2:
Recount: Newspaper Report
Purpose: To recount
Vehicle Text:
A Story Like the Wind by Gill Lewis
Unit C
Writing Outcome 1:
Narrative: Discovery Narrative
Purpose: To narrate
Writing Outcome 2:
Explanation: Adaptation
Purpose: To explain
Curriculum Topic:
Science - Evolution and Inheritance
Vehicle Text:
On the Origin of Species by Sabina Radeva
Unit D
Writing Outcome 1:
Recount: First Person Narrative
Purpose: To narrate
Writing Outcome 2:
Discussion: Balanced Argument
Purpose: To discuss
Writing Outcome 3:
Information Text: Wolves
Purpose: To inform
Writing Outcome 4:
Narrative: Suspense Narrative
Purpose: To narrate
Vehicle Text(s):
The Ways of the Wold by Smriti Prasadam and The Wolves in the Walls by Neil Gaiman
*Revision unit
Unit E
Writing Outcome 1:
Narrative: Endurance Narrative
Purpose: To narrate
Writing Outcome 2:
Recount: Magazine Article
Purpose: To recount & inform (hybrid)
Curriculum Topic:
Geography - Coasts
Vehicle Text:
Shackleton’s Journey by William Grill
Unit F
Writing Outcome 1:
Narrative: Dual Narrative
Purpose: To narrate
Writing Outcome 2:
Persuasion: Letter
Purpose: To persuade
Vehicle Text:
Hansel and Gretel by Neil Gaiman
Additional Units: Science Collection
Writing Outcome:
Narrative Story Sentences
Curriculum Topic:
Vehicle Text:
The River by Tom Percival
Year 1
Writing Outcome:
Curriculum Topic:
Vehicle Text:
The Adventures of Egg Box Dragon by Richard Adams
Year 2
Writing Outcome:
Diary Entry
Curriculum Topic:
Vehicle Text:
Bloom by Anne Booth
Year 3
Writing Outcome:
Promise Narrative
Curriculum Topic:
Vehicle Text:
Wisp by Zana Frallion
Year 4
Writing Outcome:
Persuasive Letter
Curriculum Topic:
Vehicle Text:
The Great Kapok Tree by Lynne Cherry
Year 5
Writing Outcome:
Journey Narrative
Curriculum Topic:
Vehicle Text:
Wild is the Wind by Graham Baker-Smith
Year 6
Writing Outcome:
Newspaper Report
Curriculum Topic:
Vehicle Text:
Rise Up by Amanda Li
Additional Units: Environment Collection
Writing Outcome:
Narrative Sentences
Vehicle Text:
Saving Mr Hoot by Helen Stephens
Year 1
Writing Outcome:
Environment Narrative
Vehicle Text:
Last Tree in the City by Peter Carnarvas
Year 2
Writing Outcome:
Rebuild Environment Narrative
Vehicle Text:
Tidy by Emily Gravett
Year 3
Writing Outcome:
Description Letter
Vehicle Text:
Dear Earth by Isabel Otter and Clara Anganuzzi
Year 4
Writing Outcome:
Transformation Narrative
Vehicle Text:
The Secret Sky Garden by Linda Sarah
Year 5
Writing Outcome:
Restoring the Environment Narrative
Vehicle Text:
Greta and the Giants by Zoe Tucker and Zoe Persico
Year 6
Writing Outcome:
Environmental Change Narrative
Vehicle Text:
Varmints by Helen Ward and Marc Craste
Further Additional Units
Year 1
Writing Outcome 1:
Narrative: A Friendship Narrative
Purpose: To narrate
Writing Outcome 2:
Recount: Messages
Purpose: To recount
Vehicle Text:
Paper Planes by Jim Helmore
Year 1
Writing Outcome 1:
Narrative: Return Narrative
Purpose: To narrate
Writing Outcome 2:
Instructions: Party Invitation
Purpose: To inform
Vehicle Text:
There’s a Tiger in the Garden by Lizzy Stewart
Year 2
Writing Outcome 1:
Narrative: Twisted Narrative
Purpose: To narrate
Writing Outcome 2:
Persuasion: Letters
Purpose: To persuade
Vehicle Text:
Jack and the Baked Beanstalk by Colin Stimpson
Year 3
Writing Outcome 1:
Narrative: Setting Narrative
Purpose: To narrate
Writing Outcome 2:
Information: Travel Report
Purpose: To inform
Vehicle Text:
Return by Aaron Becker
Year 3
Writing Outcome 1:
Narrative: Character Narrative
Purpose: To narrate
Writing Outcome 2:
Instructions: How to be a mischievous child
Purpose: To instruct
Vehicle Text:
Seen and Not Heard by Katie May
Year 3
Writing Outcome 1:
Narrative: Captive Narrative
Purpose: To narrate
Writing Outcome 2:
Recount: Diary
Purpose: To recount
Vehicle Text:
Starbird by Sharon King-Chai
Year 4
Writing Outcome 1:
Narrative: An Adversity Narrative
Purpose: To narrate
Writing Outcome 2:
Recount: Biography
Purpose: To inform
Vehicle Text:
Stories for Boys who Dare to be Different & Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls
Year 5
Writing Outcome 1:
Narrative: Cliff hanger Narrative
Purpose: To narrate
Writing Outcome 2:
Instructions: Instruction Manual
Purpose: To instruct
Vehicle Text:
The Errand by Leo LaFleur
Year 5
Writing Outcome 1:
Inform: Biography
Purpose: To inform
Writing Outcome 2:
Recount: Diary
Purpose: To recount
Vehicle Text:
Henry’s Freedom Box by Ellen Levine
Year 6
Writing Outcome 1:
Narrative: Freedom Narrative
Purpose: To narrate
Writing Outcome 2:
Inform: Letter about an issue to MP
Purpose: To inform
Vehicle Text:
Dreams of Freedom by Amnesty International
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Frequently Asked Questions
Yes! We have a suggested planning cycle document that addresses this explicitly. We can also help you through Consultancy Support to map out the units to meet the needs of your specific school context.
Our ‘core’ Read to Write units are designed to cover a half term. Our Science and Environment units are 3 weeks so can be doubled up to cover a half term if needed.
Our Read to Write units are full of incidental writes which build up to a larger writing outcome. Many of these incidental writes are poems in various forms. Email mari@literacycounts.co.uk for an overview of the poetry covered in each unit.
Literacy Counts do not supply the vehicle texts to accompany the Read to Write units. They can be purchased through Madeline Lindley or any bookseller.
Read to Write core units:
Whole school bundle: £2350 (saving of £170)
Year Group bundles: £350
Individual units: £60
Read to Write Additional units:
Science Collection:
Individual units: £40
Environment Collection:
Individual units: £40
Further Additional Units:
Individual units: £60