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Explicit Spelling Instruction: A Balanced Approach

ofsted  impact  deep dive  english  oracy spelling

Audience: English Subject Leaders, SLT & Teachers
Venue: Zoom
Price: £60pp

‘It is important to make sure that all pupils are taught the basics well from the beginning.’

Ofsted English Subject Report 2024

Are you looking to ensure your children gain higher degrees of fluency in spelling?

Do you want to develop a consistent and balanced approach to the teaching of spelling?

This course gives a thorough grounding in the effective teaching of spelling from Y2 onwards. It includes practical approaches and strategies to secure progress.

You will have a firm understanding of: 

  • Effective teaching strategies to help children remember, recall and apply spelling consistently across the curriculum

  • An approach to spelling lessons

  • Clarity around pace, progression and end of year expectations for spelling

NB. Schools that sign up to this course will have the cost of the course refunded if they sign up to a Ready Steady Spell school subscription.

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